About the Community
The Black Rock Ranger community evolves from shared experiences in the playa. After Burning Man, it continues to be fostered through the various Burning Man social events that occur throughout the year, meetings and gatherings, and the Ranger email list.

Rangers are a broad cross-section of Black Rock City citizens that seek diverse Burning Man experiences. Some want to contribute to the community by providing aid if needed, and others may want to take advantage of the opportunity rangering provides to meet the rest of the community. Some of the Rangers themselves can tell you why they volunteer their time and dedication.

Many will be surprised to know what an organized entity the Black Rock Rangers are. Everyone wishes Burning Man to be as unstructured and free as possible, but rangering is such an enormously complex task, that only through organization can we be sure that the community's needs are being properly addressed. Therefore, here we present information about how the Black Rock Rangers are organized.